About Us

Welcome to CBNSpeedTest.com – Indonesia’s dedicated platform for testing CBN broadband speeds!

Our Mission

At CBNSpeedTest.com, our mission is simple: to provide CBN broadband users in Indonesia with an accurate, user-friendly tool to test their internet speeds. We believe in transparency, and that every user has the right to know if they’re getting the speed they pay for.

Who We Are

CBNSpeedTest.com was founded by tech enthusiasts who recognized the need for a reliable speed testing platform tailored to the unique infrastructure and configurations of CBN’s broadband network in Indonesia. Liza, our chief analyst and writer, leads the team with her passion for technology and commitment to delivering accurate information to our readers.

What We Do

Beyond our speed test tool, CBNSpeedTest.com is a hub of knowledge. We regularly publish articles, insights, and guides related to CBN broadband. Whether you’re trying to troubleshoot a connection issue, understand more about broadband speeds, or simply stay updated on the latest in the world of CBN broadband – we have you covered.

AdSense & Our Commitment to Transparency

In line with our commitment to transparency and user experience, we’ve partnered with Google AdSense to display relevant advertisements. Every ad you see on our site has been vetted for quality and relevance. Our primary goal is to maintain an unintrusive, helpful, and engaging environment for our readers.

We adhere strictly to AdSense’s guidelines, ensuring that ads are not only relevant but also safe and appropriate for all users. If you have feedback or concerns regarding the ads displayed, please feel free to contact us.

Get In Touch

Your feedback drives us! Whether you have a question, suggestion, or simply want to chat about broadband speeds, our team is here for you. Check out our Contact Us page to get in touch.

Thank you for trusting CBNSpeedTest.com as your go-to platform for all things CBN broadband in Indonesia. Together, we’re making the digital world a more transparent and informed place!